Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Graduation is for High School and College

We've come so far in child protection that we lead them to believe they graduate several times before they really do.  I've reluctantly participated in one such event so far and now have to figure out a way to prevent any further pre-high school graduations so I'm not a hypocrite.  Let's look at the definition of the word:
graduation |ˌgrajoōˈā sh ən|
the receiving or conferring of an academic degree or diploma.
• the ceremony at which degrees are conferred.

So, let me ask you newly graduation pre-K kid, what degree or diploma did you get?  What? Oh yeah? It's a certification of completion not a diploma?  Yeah, that's what I thought!  Wow, look at me, picking on the pre-K kid.

Each time I see an adorable little person in a cap and gown I stop myself from emitting the audible groan.  I'm fairly certain it kills a kitten when you protest a cute little preschooler holding a diploma while participating in a commencement ceremony.  I just can't stand it though.  Graduation is for High School and College, not pre-K.  I've found it actually is worse than that.  There are Kindergarten graduations and elementary school graduations (5th or 6th grade depending on your locale).  Then middle/junior high graduations.  It's so bad that by the time high school rolls around I wouldn't be surprised if the kids intentionally fail so they don't have do wear that stupid hat (again)!

Sure, I feel crummy for saying, "Hey little dude, that diploma doesn't mean anything."  But you know what?  It doesn't, it isn't even a diploma.  I've never put on any resume or job application where I graduated pre-K or elementary school.  In fact, I may just go and take off my high school because it's becoming less relevant.

We must find a way to alter this mentality that we must have a ceremony for passing a grade.  Surely there have been sillier protests.  Let's do it brandishing signs claiming, "You still can't spell graduwit, and now you are one!"

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